Catastrophe: Part 2

Chapter II – Barrier

Target acquired. Creature, a cat. Standing over 180 cm. Is working for the queen. Nothing of the unordinary. Janitor, social stat; the low income class. No criminal records, which is strange. He have been in prison for four years. Well, he have not much more to live for. In human years he is 100 years old. Still, looking like he is in his twenties. He’s the perfect target.

“Another day as a Janitor” The cat said. “I guess there’s no point in complaining”.

“Indeed Cane” The robot lady said nearby.

Cane sighed and then resumed his work. He still look like shit even with those work clothes. I suspect that the opportunity will come. After all, tomorrow is his last day of work. I wonder what he really had planned for tomorrow. Maybe a party? I would have a party if I knew that tomorrow will be the day I became a free cat.

“You enjoying the view, officer?” Cane asked.

“I have no emotions Cane” The robot lady said. “But I suppose I do enjoy your present”

Cane was cleaning the dirty pipe. His ass was exposed. I put my view elsewhere.

“At least you’re honest” Cane said.

I made my way into the palace. The officers inside nodded to me and I made a small salute. I went through the hallway, past the ministry building. Soon I came to the door to the throne room. “A throne room?” I thought. “It’s probably a very lonely area. I could…” The door opened and a relative to the queen came out. He nodded to me and I nodded back.

Inside sat the queen on her throne. Servants and officers filled the huge room. Prince Philip was talking to the queen. Probably they were talking about boring politics. After all, they had no power anymore. They still, piss me off.

“Oh Pedro” The prince said. “Perfect timing. We were just talking about your honorable visit to the queen’s resident”.

I bow.

“The pleasure is mine” I said.

“Well” the prince said. “I’ll let you two discuss tomorrow’s event”.

The prince left the room. How peculiar. Her majesty do look pretty as she was on the pictures on The Wall Street Journal. No wonder why she hold a grudge against foreigners. They’re not worthy of her attention. I have waited too long for the day she lowered her barrier. An invisible and indestructible barrier. Only she can take it down and let us peasants in. This barrier is only temporary gone. Nothing is though set in stone. Let’s erase this border between us.

“The escort is going to be accompanied by a cat named Cane” I said.

“Cane?” The queen said suspiciously.

“He’s my candidate” I said. “No one would target a car with such peasant inside”

The queen nodded.

“I suppose your right” she said.

“We’ll prepare the car until tomorrow’s event” I said. “You’re in safe hands, my queen”.

The cat is really the perfect target. So… disposable. Framing him will be easy. Nobody will suspect the true culprit. Brazil have had enough of these border restriction. “Lower the barrier” have been shouted too many times. The dead still shout it. You can’t silence those who risked their life to escape our corrupt country. I’m not proud of our establishment, neither am I over this one.

They’ve labeled us. We’re humans too, you know. Another war could solve this. Maybe if we are able take out this nation then we might get prosperity. Well, I can’t go against my superiors. Her majesty is going to go down in flames.

“Maybe a party” Cane said. “I need to celebrate my release from this retched place”.

“A party attracts too much people” The lady robot said.

Cane shook his head.

“I hope you don’t have screw loose” Cane said.

“I don’t” The Lady robot said.

I went towards the two of them. Cane threw the cloth into his pocket. My hand shook Cane’s hand. Confused he nodded to me. Quickly I briefed out tomorrow’s escort mission. Cane agreed on helping, well he really had no choice. Then the day was over.

“You’ll come, right?” Cane said.

“Come to what?” The lady robot said.

We stood on the stairs outside the palace. The queen is late.

“The party of course!” Cane exclaimed.

“I’m not programed to party” The lady robot said. “I suggest you hire a party robot”.

Cane sighed, and sipped a little from his beer.

“I don’t need another hooker to my party” He said. “I want a boring ass officer, like you. So I don’t take a no as an answer”.

The lady robot didn’t answer. I poke on Cane. He starred me with his what-is-it-bro glance. A deep sighed heard from me. Cane asked what I wanted but I shrugged off his present. Focus on the task at hand. Just 5h to the barrier break apart. Catastrophe will arise.

“Hey!” Cane exclaimed. “What’s your name anyway officer?”

“My number name is WTF666234” She said. “But my superiors call me Cindy”.

“Well Cindy” Cane said. “I like you, and I look forward seeing you on the dancefloor when this is over”.

Cindy saluted Cane and he did the same to her. If only he knew what would happen after this escort mission. Such pity, I really started to like this pet-cat. A feel a strange familiarity with him. Like I’ve meet someone like him. It is indeed though a shame that it would end up in a catastrophe.

novell av Simon Granström

Catastrophe: Part 2

Chapter II – Barrier

Target acquired. Creature, a cat. Standing over 180 cm. Is working for the queen. Nothing of the unordinary. Janitor, social stat; the low income class. No criminal records, which is strange. He have been in prison for four years. Well, he have not much more to live for. In human years he is 100 years old. Still, looking like he is in his twenties. He’s the perfect target.

“Another day as a Janitor” The cat said. “I guess there’s no point in complaining”.

“Indeed Cane” The robot lady said nearby.

Cane sighed and then resumed his work. He still look like shit even with those work clothes. I suspect that the opportunity will come. After all, tomorrow is his last day of work. I wonder what he really had planned for tomorrow. Maybe a party? I would have a party if I knew that tomorrow will be the day I became a free cat.

“You enjoying the view, officer?” Cane asked.

“I have no emotions Cane” The robot lady said. “But I suppose I do enjoy your present”

Cane was cleaning the dirty pipe. His ass was exposed. I put my view elsewhere.

“At least you’re honest” Cane said.

I made my way into the palace. The officers inside nodded to me and I made a small salute. I went through the hallway, past the ministry building. Soon I came to the door to the throne room. “A throne room?” I thought. “It’s probably a very lonely area. I could…” The door opened and a relative to the queen came out. He nodded to me and I nodded back.

Inside sat the queen on her throne. Servants and officers filled the huge room. Prince Philip was talking to the queen. Probably they were talking about boring politics. After all, they had no power anymore. They still, piss me off.

“Oh Pedro” The prince said. “Perfect timing. We were just talking about your honorable visit to the queen’s resident”.

I bow.

“The pleasure is mine” I said.

“Well” the prince said. “I’ll let you two discuss tomorrow’s event”.

The prince left the room. How peculiar. Her majesty do look pretty as she was on the pictures on The Wall Street Journal. No wonder why she hold a grudge against foreigners. They’re not worthy of her attention. I have waited too long for the day she lowered her barrier. An invisible and indestructible barrier. Only she can take it down and let us peasants in. This barrier is only temporary gone. Nothing is though set in stone. Let’s erase this border between us.

“The escort is going to be accompanied by a cat named Cane” I said.

“Cane?” The queen said suspiciously.

“He’s my candidate” I said. “No one would target a car with such peasant inside”

The queen nodded.

“I suppose your right” she said.

“We’ll prepare the car until tomorrow’s event” I said. “You’re in safe hands, my queen”.

The cat is really the perfect target. So… disposable. Framing him will be easy. Nobody will suspect the true culprit. Brazil have had enough of these border restriction. “Lower the barrier” have been shouted too many times. The dead still shout it. You can’t silence those who risked their life to escape our corrupt country. I’m not proud of our establishment, neither am I over this one.

They’ve labeled us. We’re humans too, you know. Another war could solve this. Maybe if we are able take out this nation then we might get prosperity. Well, I can’t go against my superiors. Her majesty is going to go down in flames.

“Maybe a party” Cane said. “I need to celebrate my release from this retched place”.

“A party attracts too much people” The lady robot said.

Cane shook his head.

“I hope you don’t have screw loose” Cane said.

“I don’t” The Lady robot said.

I went towards the two of them. Cane threw the cloth into his pocket. My hand shook Cane’s hand. Confused he nodded to me. Quickly I briefed out tomorrow’s escort mission. Cane agreed on helping, well he really had no choice. Then the day was over.

“You’ll come, right?” Cane said.

“Come to what?” The lady robot said.

We stood on the stairs outside the palace. The queen is late.

“The party of course!” Cane exclaimed.

“I’m not programed to party” The lady robot said. “I suggest you hire a party robot”.

Cane sighed, and sipped a little from his beer.

“I don’t need another hooker to my party” He said. “I want a boring ass officer, like you. So I don’t take a no as an answer”.

The lady robot didn’t answer. I poke on Cane. He starred me with his what-is-it-bro glance. A deep sighed heard from me. Cane asked what I wanted but I shrugged off his present. Focus on the task at hand. Just 5h to the barrier break apart. Catastrophe will arise.

“Hey!” Cane exclaimed. “What’s your name anyway officer?”

“My number name is WTF666234” She said. “But my superiors call me Cindy”.

“Well Cindy” Cane said. “I like you, and I look forward seeing you on the dancefloor when this is over”.

Cindy saluted Cane and he did the same to her. If only he knew what would happen after this escort mission. Such pity, I really started to like this pet-cat. A feel a strange familiarity with him. Like I’ve meet someone like him. It is indeed though a shame that it would end up in a catastrophe.